Sometimes you have to challenge yourself (also new song)

Sometimes you have to challenge yourself (also new song)

Even if you’re just starting out, it’s important to challenge yourself from time to time. It lets you know where you stand and where you can improve. If you keep track of your results, and I’m a hardcore nerd so data is important to me, you can also track your progress over time.

In this case, I had the idea to give myself a solid time limit to accomplish as much as I could. The time limit was one hour and the rules were no pre-made loops or samples. While I could use instrument presets, every other thing had to be created from scratch.

The end results were promising. I see some processes I need to refine as far as efficiency. I got hung up on a particular item and spent far too long on it. The other thing I need to work on is the final mixing. Granted, spinning my wheels on the one item didn’t help but mixing has been an issue for a while. I think that will be my focus over the next couple weeks.

Can’t wait to try this again.
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